What we offer


Advisory Services

We help analyze key business issues and develop a tailored response utilizing our deep industry expertise and technical knowledge in the energy and water sectors.

IT Strategic Planning

We help develop technology strategic planning processes that preemptively embraces change and charts the way to digital transformation and reinvention.

Audit & Assurance

We undertake independent review of IT controls which provides a unique, unbiased perspective on the overall efficiency of the organization’s controls program. We provide a comprehensive, ongoing program to assess the risks and vulnerabilities commonly occurring in IT and OT environments.


Our approach utilizes industry-standard software engineering and project management standards. tieBridge aligns its processes with the Software Engineering Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration® (CMMI®) to better predict and control quality, schedule, cost, time, and productivity factors in its independent verification & validation (IV&V) methods.

Independent Project Oversight

Project oversight is an independent review and analysis of specific project activities and documentation to determine if the project is on track to be completed within the estimated schedule and cost, and will provide the functionality required by the sponsoring business entity. Project oversight identifies and quantifies any issues and risks affecting these project components.

Project Health Check

Project Health Checks are ad hoc reviews, conducted by the project team, to do a one-off assessment of the health of a project or of the project context. tieBridge is often engaged to assist the project team to develop/use the tools required to conduct an effective project health check.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation, disruptive technologies and ever-changing stakeholder expectations have redefined the role of a utility's technology organization. In periods of change such as the ones we are in developing a strategy that adapts and embraces change is vital. tieBridge can help develop a strategic planning process that preemptively embrace change and even lead the way..

Our Clients

How can we help you?

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